Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New Camera New Footage

This past year I've had the pleasure of doing joint research with a company named Curza (more info can be found here) more or less it's a way of funding my measly graduate salary working on antimicrobials etc. Curza is a subsidiary/branch/whatever you want to call it, of Clarke Capital Partners whom recently bought out Contour in light of their recent closing. Since they knew I had a knack for pretending to be cool they gave me a ContourRoam 2 video camera. Without using any other type of helmet cam i.e. GoPro I can't say one is better than the other, but the Contour certainly does the job.

I'd tried (key word being try) to make a movie of last Sunday's (12.15.13) trip to Indian Creek...enjoy. 

Indian Creek Take 1 from Travis Haussener on Vimeo.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving (Creek Style)

Chesy and I packed up and took off for IC last Wednesday. Didn't get any climbing photos but...thought I'd share a few others. 

Chesy prepping

So much for "mostly sunny" 

 Deep fry

Final product...well deserved