I had a brilliant idea to complete a south facing Big 5, ski Emma's ridge (roughly top to bottom), Flagstaff (top to bottom), Toledo, Cardiff and finish with some form of Superior. After a half day's work I got the call that Adam was down for whatever, his tenacity to stick to the plan however, didn't last for long. After making our way up a half powder half mank south face to start our list his desire to ski more fluffy snow set in and as any good partner does I restrained my ("Let's do this just to do it" ideals and went along with it.) So we dropped into Day's and the big 5 was just a memory. Next time.
A OK skinning up Emma's
Still going
So we skied nice powder into Day's and couldn't resist the temptation of doing just "one more here and one more there."
Stupid skiing (I know) but this little gully was just begging for it, also begging to avalanche on me.
A valuable lesson that should always be carried when skiing is don't get tired, when you get tired you get lazy and when you get lazy you get hurt. With a snowpack that is pretty much moderate with pockets of Death we shouldn't have been lazy on our way out (lesson learned). But we (well Adam) made a skinner right out of days (a good idea at first especially since I didn't have to break trail) which is usually the way most people go. Unfortunately, with the year's snow this was a big mistake we dodged a bullet here and got out alive but and adventure nonetheless.
A OK trying not to die
A personal favorite of the year.